Saturday 16 April 2016

Tattydays Is Making A Comeback!

tattydays comeback
Hello everyone! It's been a while. I've taken a massive break and to be honest have suffered from massive writers block! We all go through it, I've probably just taken a bit longer to get over it than most people. 
However, baby I am back! And I'm so excited about it. I've got a proper schedule together now and loads of post ideas I'm so excited to share with you all. I've got 2 posts scheduled to come out after this one! I know, this is serious, keep calm! 
Just going to lay all my cards out and let you know that I'm not going to promise I'll be uploading 3 posts a week or some crazy schedule that some of you lovely lot manage to stick to, but I am going to be doing a lot more posts, sharing lots of little things that I love. There are so many bloggers I know that try to juggle a full time job, a blogging schedule and an actual life in the middle of it all. It is hard work but I'm over it, and it's happening so be prepared! 
I'll be doing a lot of fashion and beauty posts as those are the things I love to talk about the most. But I will be throwing in a few more lifestyle bits as well and just lots of general rambles of my life that I feel I need to get off my chest - and the world wide web is the best place to do that, obviously! 
I am also in the process of giving my blog a reshuffle around and bring it up to date so there is that excitement all to come, watch this space! 
  So, there is me. I'm coming back to it and I just wanted to do this post to let you know that I've not totally neglected my little internet corner and there will be a lot more to come in the coming months.

I hope I see you around here more often. 

Lots of love, until next time my lovelies.

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